Representing the eighth and third letters of the alphabet, H and C, meaning "Heil Christ" or "Hail Christ" The numbers 737 correspond to the letters P, D, and S on a telephone keypad the initials PDS stand for Peni Death Squad, another name for the group Representing the fifth and eleventh letters of the alphabet, E and K, meaning "European Kindred" If one substitutes numbers for the letters in Supreme White Alliance's initials (19, 23, 1), then adds those numbers together, the total is 43. Representing the third and eighth letters of the alphabet, C and H, meaning "Crossed Hammers" a reference to the logo of the Hammerskins The thirty-three represents three elevens, as K is the eleventh letter of the alphabet, and three of them make "KKK" – the six represents the sixth "era" of the Ku Klux Klan Representing the third letter of the alphabet, C, and 18, meaning "Combat 18" Representing the eleventh letter of the alphabet, K, repeated three times, meaning "Ku Klux Klan" Representing the second and eighth letters of the alphabet, B and H, meaning "Blood & Honour" Representing the twenty-third and sixteenth letters of the alphabet, W and P, meaning "White Power" or "White Pride" Representing the twenty-first, second, and twelfth letters of the alphabet, U, B, and L, meaning "Unity, Brotherhood, Loyalty" Representing the first and eighth letters of the alphabet, A and H, meaning " Adolf Hitler" The Fourteen Words and the eighth letter of the alphabet, H, repeated twice, standing for " Heil Hitler" The Fourteen Words and 23 Precepts - rules for the Southern Brotherhood prison gang Shorthand for Fourteen Words, "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children" The number 90 refers to the percentage of violent interracial crime allegedly committed by African-Americans. Some white supremacists use the number 50 instead of 52. The number 52 refers to the alleged percentage of all murders committed in the U.S. The number 13 refers to the purported percentage of the U.S. Representing the first and third letters of the alphabet, A and C, meaning "Aryan Circle" Representing the first and second letters of the alphabet, A and B, meaning "Aryan Brotherhood"
This number is sometimes combined with the numeric code 1488, creating 1488–110. White supremacists claim that Jews have been expelled from 109 nations throughout history by calling for America to expel Jews as well, they aim to make the USA the "110th". Representing the first and eleventh letters of the alphabet, A and K, meaning "Aryan Knights" " Schutzstaffel" Note: "SS" not specifically listed "Lady Of The Invisible Empire", in reference to a female Klan member "Konstantly Applied By All Regular Klansmen" "In The Sacred Unfailing Being", a reference to God "Hammerskins Forever, Forever Hammerskins" As a result, such triskeles must be judged very carefully in their context to avoid mistaken assumptions.This list is incomplete you can help by adding missing items.

White supremacists do use other variations of the triskele, too, such as curved triskeles, but so do a much larger number of non-extremists. It is a common type of white supremacist tattoo and appears in places such as the logo for the racist skinhead group Blood & Honour. The AWB used a flag similar to the Nazi flag but which replaced the swastika with a triskele that resembled three interlocking sevens.īecause of the AWB usage, it is this "three sevens" version of the triskele that is most commonly associated with white supremacy. Following World War II, the triskele became a significant hate symbol, largely because of its use by the Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging (AWB), a South African white supremacist group that formed in the 1970s. The triskele was one of many ancient European symbols appropriated by the Nazis. What they share are three segments emanating from a single central point. The triskele appears in many different variations, from a form that looks like a three-pointed swastika to forms that employ curved lines and curlicues. An abstracted triskele appears on the seal of the United States Department of Transportation. One version of the triskele, with three human legs, has been used in the coat of arms for the Isle of Man and the Kingdom of Naples. The symbol consists of three curved or jointed segments spiraling from a common center. The triskele (or triskelion) is an ancient symbol originating in pre-Christian Europe.